
Tämä artikkeli on ote Jaakko Halmetojan kirjoittamasta Pakurikääpä – opas lääkinnällisten sienten maailmaan kirjasta.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsynin Syöpäosasto (engl. Cancer Ward, 1968) -kirjan 11. kappale ”Koivun syöpä” käsittelee monesta kulmasta pakurin tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia ja käyttöhistoriaa.

Alla muutamia poimintoja 60-luvulla kirjoitetusta kirjasta:

”They all longed to find some miracle doctor or some medicine that the doctors here didn’t know about… or a herbalist or some old witch of a woman somewhere, whom you only had to find and get that medicine from to be saved”

”Kostoglotov in fact claimed to know such a doctor, with whom he was in correspondence – Dr. Sergei Maslennikov, an old country doctor from a remote region near Moscow. He’d worked dozens of years in the same hospital… and he noticed that although more and more was being written about cancer in medical literature, there was no cancer among the peasants who came to him… so he began to investigate and he discovered a strange thing: that the peasants in his district saved money on their tea, and instead of tea brewed up a thing called ’chaga’, or in other words, birch fungus. Actually it’s not even a mushroom but… a peculiar growth on old birch trees… like spines, black on top and dark brown inside…”

”Anyway Sergei Nikitich Maslennikov had an idea. Mightn’t it be that same chaga that had cured the Russian peasants of cancer for centuries without their even knowing it?”

”But it wasn’t enough just to make a guess, you see? Everything had to be checked. He had to spend many, many years watching the people who were drinking the homemade tea and the ones who weren’t. Then he had to give it to the people who developed tumors and take responsibility for not treating them with other medicines. And he had to guess what temperature the tea ought to be at, and glasses they ought to be drink, whether it should be boiled or not, how many glasses they ought to drink, whether there’d be harmful aftere ects, and wich tumors it helped most and which least.”

Pakurin perinteinen käyttö ja sillä saadut tulokset syövän hoidossa on tunnettu laajasti Venäjällä. Pakurin etnomykologisesta (sienen kulttuurillihistoriallisesta) roolista on julkaistu kuitenkin suhteellisen vähän materiaalia englanniksi.

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